You are not an amateur, so don't represent yourself with an amateur headshot.
We want you to get the best headshot you've ever had.
Modern career professionals attend networking group meetings. You hand out your business cards and make small talk. You introduce yourself and get to know others; you choose to do business with people you like. For this reason, we strongly believe that a solid "likeable" headshot will make you more money. Your headshot should have a message, representing you as the confident, approachable career professional that you are. Whether you want to use a photo of yourself for social media, or on your company's website, your image is still representing your business. Like it or not, you are being perceived and judged by the way you look in the photo you choose. (In business, those judgements are less about aesthetic attractiveness, but perceived confidence.)
We understand that for many, being in front of the camera feels awkward. We will coach you all the way from what to wear, to the positioning of your nose, shoulders, and facial expressions. We'll put you at ease and make it fun. We want someone to see your headshot on LinkedIn and say, "I don't know this person but they look like someone I want to do business with." Don't miss out on better career opportunities due to a poor headshot. Let us help you make the better first impression you deserve.
Sessions start at $199. Ask about our group rates!
First impressions are important.